Jung, H-C, S. Krumdieck, T. Vranjes, Feasibility assessment of refinery waste heat-to-power conversion using an organic Rankine cycle, Energy Conversion and Management, 77 (2014) 396-407.

Jung, H-C, S. Krumdieck, Modelling of organic Rankine cycle system and heat exchanger components, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol 33 (3) (2014) 704-721.

Krumdieck, S., S. Page, Retro-analysis of bio-ethanol and bio-diesel in New Zealand, Energy Policy, 62 (2013) 363-371.

Krumdieck, S., Transition Engineering: adaptation of complex systems for survival, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 16, No. 3/4, (2013) 310-321

Gyamfi, S., Krumdieck, S., Urmee, T., Residential peak electricity demand response - highlights of some behavioural issues, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 25 (2013) 71-77

Krumdieck, S., M. Dale, S. Page, Design and implementation of a community based sustainable development action research method, Social Business, Vol. 2 (2012) 291-337

Gyamfi, S., S. Krumdieck, Scenario analysis of residential demand response at network peak periods, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 93 (2012) 32-38

M. Dale, S. Krumdieck, and P. Bodger, Global Energy Modeling - a Biophysical Approach (GEMBA) part 1: An overview of biophysical economics. Ecological Economics, Vol. 73 (2012) 152-157

M. Dale, S. Krumdieck, and P. Bodger, Global Energy Modeling - a Biophysical Approach (GEMBA) Part 2: Methodology and Results. Ecological Economics, Vol. 73 (2012) 158-167

Watcharasukarn, M., S. Krumdieck, S. Page, Virtual reality simulation game approach to investigate transport adaptive capacity for peak oil planning, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 46 (2012) 348 - 367

Rendall, S., S. Page, F. Reitsma, E. van Houten, S. Krumdieck, Quantifying transport resilience: active mode accessibility, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2242 (2011) 72-80

Dale, M., S. Krumdieck, P. Bodger, Net energy yield from production of conventional oil, Energy Policy, Vol. 39 Issue 11 (2011) 7095 -7102

Dale, M., S. Krumdieck, P. Bodger, A dynamic function for energy return on investment, Sustainability, Vol. 3 Issue 10 (2011) 1972 -1985

Krumdieck, S. and S. Orchard, Signs of Change National Networked e-Conference: highlighting emerging sustainability and social business, Social Business, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011) 37-58

Gyamfi, S., S. Krumdieck, Price, environment and security: exploring multi-modal motivation in voluntary residential peak demand response, Energy Policy, Vol. 39, Issue 5 (2011) 2993-3004

Watcharasukarn, M., Krumdieck, S., Green, R. and Dantas, A., Researching Travel Behavior and Adaptability: Using a Virtual Reality Role-Playing Game. Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 42, No. 1 (2011) 100-117

Sohel, M.I., M. Sellier, L. Brackney, S. Krumdieck, An iterative method for modelling the air-cooled organic Rankine cycle geothermal power plant, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 35 Issue 5 (2011) 436-448

Krumdieck, S., S. Page, A. Dantas, Urban form and long term fuel supply decline: A method to investigate the peak oil risks to essential activities, Transportation Research Part A: 44 (2010) 306-322

Krumdieck, S. and A. Hamm, Strategic analysis methodology for energy systems with remote island case study, Energy Policy, (2009) accepted in press

Imroz Sohel M., Mathieu Sellier, Larry J. Brackney, Susan Krumdieck, Efficiency improvement for geothermal power generation to meet summer peak demand, Energy Policy, (2009) doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2008.12.036

Hamm, A., S. Krumdieck, M. Jermy, Opportunities and Challenges for Alternative Energy for the Remote Pacific Island of Rotuma, Renewable Energy (2009) accepted

Page, S. and S. Krumdieck, System-Level Energy Efficiency is the Greatest Barrier to Development of the Hydrogen Economy, Energy Policy, (2009) doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2008.11.009

Krumdieck, S. and J. Wallace, Compact, low energy CO2 management using amine solution in a packed bubble column, Chemical Engineering Journal,Vol. 135, 1-2 (2008) 3-9.

Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck, S. Page, Risk of energy constrained Activity-transport systems (RECATS), Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 7 (2007) 1154-1168.

Page, Shannon C., Adnan Al-Anbuky, Susan P. Krumdieck, Jack Brouwer, Test Method and Equivalent Circuit Modelling of a PEM Fuel Cell in a Passive State, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 22, No. 3 (2007) 764-773.

Krumdieck S., Feedback Control Model of Regional Energy Systems, IPENZ engineering TreNz 2007-002 (2007) ISSN 1177-042.

Saunders, M. J., S. Krumdieck, A. Dantas, Energy reliance, urban form and the associated risk to urban activities, Road & Transport Research, Vol 15 No 1 (2006) 29-43.

Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck, A. Hamm, M. Saunders, S. Minges, Performance-Objective Design for Energy Constrained Transportation System, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6 (2005) 3276-3292.

Wallace, J. and S. Krumdieck, Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing From Air with Amine Solution in a Packed Bubble Column, Proc. IMechE Vol 219, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, (2005) 1225-1233.

Myers, M.R., H.M. Cave and S. Krumdieck, Surface Tension Effects on Friction Factor for Two Phase Slug Flow in Capillary Tubes, Proc. IMechE Vol 219, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, (2005) 853-857.

Curnow O. J., S. P. Krumdieck and E.M. Jenkins, Regeneration of carbon dioxide saturated monoethanolamine-glycol aqueous solutions at atmospheric pressure in a packed bubble reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (2005) 1085-1089.

Krumdieck, S., S. Page and S. Round, SOFC Architecture and System Design for Secure Power on an Unstable Grid, Journal of Power Sources, 125 (2004) 189-198.