
Reference Texts

It is important for any engineering field to have reference texts developed for undergraduate teaching. The material in reference texts is built up from academic literature, research to collect reference data, and contributions from industry. The text below is well suited to teaching an undergraduate course and for the professional as a reference and has the first educational coverage of Transition Engineering methods.

Kreith, F. and Krumdieck, S. (Ed.) (2013) Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems. (2nd ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 790pp. 

Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming, Chapter 32 


Mini-Lectures on key aspects of Transition Engineering available on the Transition Engineering YouTube Channel.

Radio New Zealand National Interview with Kim Hill and Professor Krumdieck, 12 April 2014 (POD CAST)

Engineering Solutions to Fuel our Future, People Behind the Science PodCast  2015



Transition Engineering Principles and Methods:

 Krumdieck, S., The Survival Spectrum: The key to Transition Engineering of complex systems, (11-17 Nov 2011, Denver, CO) Proceedings of the ASME 2011, ICEME2011-65891.

Krumdieck, S. (2011) Transition Engineering of Urban Transportation for Resilience to Peak Oil Risks. Denver, CO USA: ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, 11-17 Nov 2011. IMECE2011-65836

Krumdieck, S. (2013) Transition Engineering: adaptation of complex systems for survival. International Journal of Sustainable Development 16(3/4): 310-321.

Watcharasukarn, M., S. Krumdieck, S. Page, Virtual reality simulation game approach to investigate transport adaptive capacity for peak oil planning, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 46 (2012) 348 - 367.

Krumdieck, S., S. Page, A. Dantas, Urban form and long term fuel supply decline: A method to investigate the peak oil risks to essential activities, Transportation Research Part A: 44 (2010) 306-322.

Dantas, A., Krumdieck, S., Hamm, A., Minges, S. and Saunders, M. (2005) Performance-Objective Design for Energy Constrained Transportation System. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 6: 3276-3292.

Krumdieck, S., Dantas, A. and Burton, T. (2004) Supply And Demand Is Not Sustainable. Auckland, New Zealand: International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, 6-9 Jul 2004.


Results of Transition Engineering and Action Research Projects:

Krumdieck, S., Dale, M.A. and Page, S.C. (2012) Design and implementation of a community based sustainable development action research method.  Social Business 2(Winter): 291-337.

Krumdieck, S. and Orchard, S. (2011) Signs of Change National Networked e-Conference: Highlighting emerging sustainability and social business. Social Business 1(Summer) 37-58.

Rendall, S., Abley, S. and Krumdieck, S. (2011) Transport energy foot-printing. Auckland, New Zealand: IPENZ Transportation Group Conference, 27-30 Mar 2011.

Krumdieck, S., Page, S., Watcharasukarn, M., Travel Adaptive Capacity Assessment, New Zealand Transport Agency Research Report 486. 91pp (2012).

Krumdieck, S., Peak Oil Vulnerability Assessment for Dunedin, Dunedin City Council commissioned report, pp 1-46 (2010).

Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck and S. Page, Energy Risk to Activity Systems as a Function of Urban Form, Land Transport New Zealand Research Report 311. 73 pp (2007).

Krumdieck, S., Hamm, A. Dantas., A., Minges. and S. (2004) Performance-Objective Design for a Renewable Energy Transportation Circuit of Christchurch, New Zealand. Denver, CO, USA: World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) VIII, 29 Aug-3 Sep 2004.

Lectures and Keynote Presentations

The IET Prestige Lecture, Transition Engineering, NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities, (Wellington 2010)

Transition Engineering Lecture, IMechE EESG Lecture, (London, UK: 21 September 2011)

Energy Return on Energy Invested and Transition, Science for Energy Scenarios, (Les Houches, France: 7 Feb 2014)

Growth, EROI and Transition: Confronting the Status Quo, New Zealand Business Leaders Invited Seminar (Christchurch, NZ 27 Sept 2012)

How to valorise research on the effects of peak oil for urban planning? A method to investigate peak oil risks, presentation to Walloon Region Parliament (Namur, Belgium, 26 April 2011).

Communities Respond, APCII Conference, Invited Keynote Address, (Turangi, NZ, 19 July 2012)

From the Ground Up, Re-Development of Grey-Fields for 100 year urban extreme make-over, ESR Seminar (Christchurch, NZ 22 March 2013)

Deciding to have a future, The Ultimate Challenge, New Zealand Business Leaders Invited Seminar: (Christchurch, NZ 8 Oct 2014) 

Engineering Change, Transition Engineering, Engineers Without Borders Conference, Invited Keynote (Christchurch, NZ 28 Oct 2014)

Transition Engineering Scenarios, 3rd Science for Energy Scenarios Seminar, Invited Lecture (Les Houches, France March 2016)


Articles, Monographs and White Papers

The Futurist, July-August 2013, "Transition Engineering: Planning and Building the Sustainable World", (Article on line)

Future Times, Volume 1/2 (2013), "From the Ground Up", (Web Download)

Low Emission Future Blogspot, "Can Engineers Change the World?" 11 May 2016

Low Emission Future Blogspot, "Fossil Carbon Safety Margin" 9 Feb 2016

Low Emission Future Blogspot, "Family and Carbon" 10 Feb 2016

Engineering 4 Change, Guest Article "Global Development" by Josh Kearns (2014)

Engineering 4 Change, Invited Article "Energy Transition Engineering" by Susan Krumdieck (2016)

UKERC, Guest Blog, "Transition Engineering a Sustainable Future" by Susan Krumdieck (2016)


Example Projects

Helene Clement, Transition of GRDF, a video presentation of her successful project (2016)