Listen to Ideas about Transition, Sustainability, and the Future

Podcasts featuring Transition Engineering

Where Ideas Happen, Host Katherine Anne Byam 


Happen Films Podcast

Podcast on the role of renewable resources and resourcefulness in energy transition

The Rubbish Trip

An interview with Prof. Krumdieck about the rationale behind Transition Engineering

Podcast on therubbishtrip

People behind the Science

An interview with Prof. Krumdieck about her life journey to being a Mechanical Engineering Professor from her hometown of 800 people in the Colorado mountains. Why is she working on understanding the future?

Podcast on People Behind the Science

Carbon and Energy Professionals

Podcast with Mike Hopkins talking about how Transition Engineering can emerge to address the big challenges of carbon reduction

US Energy Podcast

Energy Transition Engineering and how it is imperative

Radio New Zealand National

Saturday Morning with Kim Hill. Professor Krumdieck was a guest on the show to talk about the misplaced faith in green technology and Transition Engineering.

Podcast on Radio New Zealand  Green Energy Myths

Nine to Noon programme interview with Professor Krumdieck about climate change action.

Podcast on Radio New Zealand Climate Change Action


Wise Response Appeal

The launch of the Wise Response was in Dunedin 15 April 2013. This podcast has presentations from several of the first 100 signatories at the launch event.

Podcast on Sustainable Lens


Otago Energy Centre

The Transition Engineering Campaign was the subject of a lunchtime seminar at the University of Otago Energy Centre.

Podcast at Otago

Powerpoint Slides

Introduction to Transition Ethos

Introduction   An interview wiht Prof. Krumdieck about the rationale behind Transition Engineering

Podcast on therubbishtrip