AEMS Lab Publications

Published Journal Papers and Conference Full Papers

Dr. Krumdieck's personal website at University of Canterbury has a full and up-to-date list of peer-reviewed publications.

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Jung, H-C, S. Krumdieck, Meanline design of a 250 kW radial inflow turbine stage using R245fa working fluid and waste heat from a refinery process, Proc IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 230(4) (2016) 402-414. doi: 10.1177/0957650916637966
  2. Boichot, R., S. Krumdieck, Numerical modelling of the droplet vaporization for design and operation of liquid pulsed CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 21 (2015) 1-10. DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201507191
  3. Budisulistyo, D., S. Krumdieck, Thermodynamic and economic analysis for the pre- feasibility study of a binary geothermal power plant, Energy Conversion and Management, 103 (2015) 639-649. DOI:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.06.069
  4. Gunby, N.R., S. Krumdieck, H. Murthy, S. L. Masters, S. S. Miya, Study of precursor chemistry and solvent systems in pp-MOCVD processing with alumina case study, Physica Status Solidi a, 1Vol 212, No. 7 (2015), 1519-1526, DOI 10.1002/pssa.201532309.
  5. Krumdieck, S., S. S. Miya, D. Lee, S. Davies-Talwar, C. M. Bishop, Titania-based photocatalytic coatings on stainless steel hospital fixtures, Physica Status Solidi C,12, No. 7 (2015), 1028-1035, DOI 10.1002/pssc.201510040.
  6. Jung, H-C, S. Krumdieck, An experimental and modelling study of a 1 kW organic Rankine cycle unit with mixture working fluid, Energy, 81 (2015) 601-614.
  7. Jung, H-C, Krumdieck, S., Rotordynamic modelling and analysis of a radial inflow turbine rotor-bearing system, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 15 No. 11. (2014) 2285-2290.
  8. Jung, H-C, S. Krumdieck, T. Vranjes, Feasibility assessment of refinery waste heat-to-power conversion using an organic Rankine cycle, Energy Conversion and Management, 77 (2014) 396-407.
  9. Jung, H-C, S. Krumdieck, Modelling of organic Rankine cycle system and heat exchanger components, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol 33 (3) (2014) 704-721.
  10. Krumdieck, S., S. Page, Retro-analysis of bio-ethanol and bio-diesel in New Zealand, Energy Policy, 62 (2013) 363-371.
  11. Raj, R., S. Krumdieck, A Langmuir-kinetic model for CVD growth from chemical precursors, CVD, 19, (2013) 260-266.
  12. Krumdieck, S., Transition Engineering: adaptation of complex systems for survival, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 16, No. 3/4, (2013) 310-321.
  13. Krumdieck, S., S. Davies Talwar, C Bishop, T. Kemmitt, J., Kennedy, Al2O3 coatings on stainless steel using pulsed-pressure MOCVD, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 230 (2013) 208-212.
  14. Lee, D., S. Davies Talwar, S. Krumdieck, Scale up design for industrial development of a PP-MOCVD coating system, Surface and Coating Technology, Vol. 230 (2013) 39-45.
  15. Gyamfi, S., Krumdieck, S., Urmee, T., Residential peak electricity demand response – highlights of some behavioural issues, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 25 (2013) 71-77.
  16. Lim, C.W., M.R. Smith, H.M. Cave, M.C. Jermy, J.-S. Wu, S.P. Krumdieck, The direction decoupled Quiet Direct Simulation method for rapid simulation of axisymmetric inviscid unsteady flow in pulsed pressure chemical vapour deposition, Computers & Fluids, 86 (2013) 14-27.
  17. Krumdieck, S., M. Dale, S. Page, Design and implementation of a community based sustainable development action research method, Social Business, Vol. 2 (2012) 291-337.
  18. Krumdieck, S., Conformality of ceramic oxygen barrier coatings on micro- and nanoscale features by Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, Vol. 48, Issue 1 (2012) 69-79.
  19. Gyamfi, S., S. Krumdieck, Scenario analysis of residential demand response at network peak periods, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 93 (2012) 32-38.
  20. Dale, S. Krumdieck, and P. Bodger, Global Energy Modeling – a Biophysical Approach (GEMBA) part 1: An overview of biophysical economics. Ecological Economics, Vol. 73 (2012) 152-157.
  21. Dale, S. Krumdieck, and P. Bodger, Global Energy Modeling - a Biophysical Approach (GEMBA) Part 2: Methodology and Results. Ecological Economics, Vol. 73 (2012) 158-167.
  22. Watcharasukarn, M., S. Krumdieck, S. Page, Virtual reality simulation game approach to investigate transport adaptive capacity for peak oil planning, Transportation Research Part A, 46 (2012) 348 – 367.
  23. Rendall, S., S. Page, F. Reitsma, E. van Houten, S. Krumdieck, Quantifying transport resilience: active mode accessibility, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2242 (2011) 72-80.
  24. Siriwongrungson, V., S. Krumdieck, Conformality investigation of titanium dioxide thin films on 3-D micro- and nano-scale features by pulsed-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, CVD17 (2011) 1-11.
  25. Dale, M., S. Krumdieck, P. Bodger, Net energy yield from production of conventional oil, Energy Policy, Vol. 39 Issue 11 (2011) 7095 -7102.
  26. Dale, M., S. Krumdieck, P. Bodger, A dynamic function for energy return on investment, Sustainability, Vol. 3 Issue 10 (2011) 1972 -1985.
  27. Krumdieck, S. and S. Orchard, Signs of Change National Networked e-Conference: highlighting emerging sustainability and social business, Social Business, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011) 37-58.
  28. Gyamfi, S., S. Krumdieck, Price, environment and security: exploring multi-modal motivation in voluntary residential peak demand response, Energy Policy, Vol. 39, Issue 5 (2011) 2993-3004.
  29. Watcharasukarn, M., Krumdieck, S., Green, R. and Dantas, A., Researching Travel Behavior and Adaptability: Using a Virtual Reality Role-Playing Game. Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 42, No. 1 (2011) 100-117.
  30. Sohel, M.I., M. Sellier, L. Brackney, S. Krumdieck, An iterative method for modelling the air-cooled organic Rankine cycle geothermal power plant, International Journal of Energy Research, 35 Issue 5 (2011) 436-448.
  31. Krumdieck, S., S. Page, A. Dantas, Urban form and long term fuel supply decline: A method to investigate the peak oil risks to essential activities, Transportation Research Part A: 44 (2010) 306-322.
  32. Boyle, C. et al., Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure that Supports the Urban Built Environment, Environmental Science & Technology 44 (13) (2010) 4836-4840.
  33. Krumdieck, S., B. P. Reyngoud, A.D. Barnett, D.J. Clearwater, R.M. Hartshorn, C.M. Bishop, B.P. Redwood, E.L. Palmer, Deposition of Bio-Integration Ceramic Hydroxyapatite by Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD using a single liquid precursor solution, Chemical Vapor Deposition 16 (2010) 55-63.
  34. Siriwongrungson, V., S. Krumdieck, B.P. Reyngoud, A.D. Barnett, Bio-integration ceramics on 3D specimens by Pulsed-Pressure Metal-Organic CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition 16 (2010) 15-18.
  35. Gyamfi, S., S. Krumdieck, L. Brackney, Price, Environment and Security: Multi-modal motivation in residential demand response, IPENZ engineering treNZ, 2010-015 (2010) 1-9.
  36. Krumdieck, S. and A. Hamm, Strategic analysis methodology for energy systems with remote island case study, Energy Policy, Vol 37,9 (2009) 3301-3313.
  37. Imroz Sohel, Mathieu Sellier, Larry J. Brackney, Susan Krumdieck, Efficiency improvement for geothermal power generation to meet summer peak demand, Energy Policy, Vol 37,9 (2009) 3370-3376.
  38. Page, S. and S. Krumdieck, System-Level Energy Efficiency is the Greatest Barrier to Development of the Hydrogen Economy, Energy Policy, Vol 37,9 (2009) 3325-3335.
  39. M. Cave, K.-C. Tseng, J.-S. Wu, M.C. Jermy, J.-C. Huang, S.P. Krumdieck, Implementation of Unsteady Sampling Procedures for the Parallel Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 227, 12 (2008) 6249-6271.
  40. Ramirez, L., M. Mecartney, S. Krumdieck, Nanocrystalline ZrO2 thin films on silicon fabricated by pulsed-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (PP-MOCVD), Journal of Materials Research, 23 (8) (2008) 2202-2211.
  41. Lebedev, M. and S. Krumdieck, Optically transparent, dense a-Al2O3 thick films deposited on glass at room temperature, Current Applied Physics, Vol. 8, 3-4 (2008) 233-236.
  42. Cave, Hadley M., Susan P. Krumdieck, and Mark C. Jermy, Development of a model for high precursor conversion efficiency pulsed-pressure chemical vapor deposition (PP-CVD) processing, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol 135, 1-2 (2008) 120-128.
  43. Krumdieck, S. and J. Wallace, Compact, low energy CO2 management using amine solution in a packed bubble column, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 135, 1-2 (2008) 3-9.
  44. Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck, S. Page, Risk of energy constrained Activity-transport systems (RECATS), Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 7 (2007) 1154-1168.
  45. Jung, C-H, and S.P. Krumdieck, Process Optimization and Sensitivity Investigation in Laser Forming with Finite Element Analysis, International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2007) 653-670.
  46. Krumdieck, Susan P., Hadley M. Cave, Silviu Baluti, Mark Jermy, Ady Peled, Expansion transport regime in pulsed-pressure chemical vapor deposition, Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (2007) 6121-6128.
  47. Krumdieck, S., A. Kristinsdottir, L. Ramirez, M. Lebedev, N. Long, Growth rate, microstructure and conformality as a function of vapor exposure for zirconia thin films by pulsed-pressure MOCVD, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol 201, 22-23 (2007) 8908-8913.
  48. Siriwongrungson, Vilailuck, Maan M. Alkaisi, Susan P. Krumdieck, Step coverage of thin titania films on patterned silicon substrate by Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol 201, 22-23, (2007) 8944-8949.
  49. Hartshorn, R., S. Stockwell, M. Lebedev, S. Krumdieck, Precursor system for bio-integration ceramics and deposition onto tantala scaffold bone interface surfaces, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol 201, 22-23, (2007) 9413-9416.
  50. Page, Shannon C., Adnan Al-Anbuky, Susan P. Krumdieck, Jack Brouwer, Test Method and Equivalent Circuit Modelling of a PEM Fuel Cell in a Passive State, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 22, No. 3 (2007) 764-773.
  51. Krumdieck S., Feedback Control Model of Regional Energy Systems, IPENZ engineering TreNz 2007-002 (2007) ISSN 1177-042.
  52. Saunders, M. J., S. Krumdieck, A. Dantas, Energy reliance, urban form and the associated risk to urban activities, Road & Transport Research, Vol 15 No 1 (2006) 29-43.
  53. Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck, A. Hamm, M. Saunders, S. Minges, Performance-Objective Design for Energy Constrained Transportation System, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6 (2005) 3276-3292.
  54. Wallace, J. and S. Krumdieck, Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing From Air with Amine Solution in a Packed Bubble Column, Proc. IMechE Vol 219, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, (2005) 1225-1233.
  55. Myers, M.R., H.M. Cave and S. Krumdieck, Surface Tension Effects on Friction Factor for Two Phase Slug Flow in Capillary Tubes, Proc. IMechE Vol 219, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, (2005) 853-857.
  56. Curnow O. J., S. P. Krumdieck and E.M. Jenkins, Regeneration of carbon dioxide saturated monoethanolamine-glycol aqueous solutions at atmospheric pressure in a packed bubble reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (2005) 1085-1089.
  57. Krumdieck, S., S. Page and S. Round, SOFC Architecture and System Design for Secure Power on an Unstable Grid, Journal of Power Sources, 125 (2004) 189-198.
  58. Krumdieck, S., O. Sbaizero, A. Bullert and R. Raj, YSZ layers by Pulsed-MOCVD on solid oxide fuel cell electrodes, Surface Coatings and Technology, 167 (2003) 226-233.
  59. Krumdieck, S., O. Sbaizero, A. Bullert and R. Raj, Solid yttria-stabilized-zirconia films by pulsed chemical vapor deposition from metal-organic precursors, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 85[11] (2002) 2873-75.
  60. Krumdieck, S., Kinetic Model of Low Pressure Film Deposition from Single Precursor Vapor in a Well-Mixed, Cold-Wall Reactor, Acta Materialia, 49 (2001) 583-588.
  61. Krumdieck, S. and R. Raj, Experimental characterization and modeling of Pulsed-MOCVD utilizing ultrasonic atomization of liquid precursor, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 7 No. 2 (2001) 85-90.
  62. Krumdieck, S. and R. Raj, Growth rate and morphology for ceramic films by pulsed-MOCVD, Surface Coatings and Technology, 141 (2001) 7-14.
  63. Krumdieck, S, O. Sbaizero, and R. Raj, Unique Precursor Delivery and Control Afforded by Low-Pressure Pulsed-CVD Process with Ultrasonic Atomization, Journal de Physique IV, Edited by D. Davazoglou and C. Vahlas, EDP Sciences, France (2001) 1161-68.
  64. Krumdieck, S. and R. Raj, On the conversion efficiency of alkoxide precursor into oxide films grown by ultrasonic assisted, pulsed liquid injection metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (Pulsed-MOCVD) process, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 82[6] (1999) 1605-07.
  65. Krumdieck, S. and J.W. Daily, Evaluation of the feasibility of biomass pyrolysis oil for spray combustion applications, Combustion Science and Technology, 134 (1998) 351-365.
  66. Weidman, P., S. Krumdieck, and P. Rouse, The shape and stability of pinned axisymmetric rotating menisci, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 219 (1990) 25-50.

Peer Reviewed Conference Full Papers

  1. Wong, C. S., S. Krumdieck, Scaling of gas turbine from air to refrigerants for organic Rankine cycle (ORC) using similarity concept, ASME ORC 2015: 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, (October 12-14, 2015, Brussels, Belgium) Paper ID:20 doi:10.1115/1.4031641
  2. Southon, M., S. Krumdieck, Preliminary investigation into the current and future growth and affordability of ORC electric generation systems, ASME ORC 2015: 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, (October 12-14, 2015, Brussels, Belgium) Paper ID:204.
  3. Krumdieck, S., Watchaarasukarn, M. Page, S., Nurul Habib, K.H., Assessment of personal travel adaptive capacity using a participatory survey approach, IPENZ Transport Group Conference (22-24 Mar 2015, Christchurch, New Zealand).
  4. Rendall, S., Page, S.; Krumdieck, S. Voila! A New Measure of Oil Vulnerability for Cities, IPENZ Transport Group Conference (22-24 Mar 2015, Christchurch, New Zealand).
  5. Budisulistyo, D., Southon S., Krumdieck, S., The effect of heat exchanger design on the return on investment of a geothermal power plant, Proceedings 36th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), (24-26 Nov 2014, Auckland, New Zealand).
  6. Wong, C.S., Krumdieck, S., Energy and exergy analysis of an air-cooled geothermal power plant with fixed nozzle turbine in subsonic expansion and supersonic expansion via CFD analysis, Proceedings 36th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), (24-26 Nov 2014, Auckland, New Zealand).
  7. Taylor, L., Siwach, S., Krumdieck, S., Impact of organic Rankine cycle working fluid selection on heat exchanger design and cost, Proceedings 36th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), (24-26 Nov 2014, Auckland, New Zealand).
  8. Southon, M., Krumdieck, S., Commissioning, initial testing and results from an experimental one kilowatt organic Rankine cycle, Proceedings 36th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), (24-26 Nov 2014, Auckland, New Zealand).
  9. Rendall, S., Page, S.; Krumdieck, S. Voila! A New Measure of Oil Vulnerability for Cities. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Energies, 14 - 31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2014 , e005; doi:10.3390/ece-1-e005.
  10. Krumdieck, S. Strategic Analysis Adaptation Assessment: An Alternative to the Economic Storyline Scenario. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Energies, 14 - 31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2014 , e001; doi:10.3390/ece-1-e001.
  11. Krumdieck, S., Frye, J. Optimizing Wind-Diesel Hybrid Energy Systems Including a Demand Side Management Strategy. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Energies, 14 - 31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2014 , c008; doi:10.3390/ece-1-c008.
  12. Jung, H-C. and S. Krumdieck (2013) Design of an organic Rankine cycle and a radial inflow turbine stage for refinery waste heat-to-power conversion, ASME-ORC- 2013.
  13. Jung, H-C. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Analysis of Zeotropic Mixture in a Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle Power Plant with an Air-Cooled Condenser. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.
  14. Meyer, D., Wong, C-S., Engle, F. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Design and Build of a 1 Kilowatt Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generator. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.
  1. Taylor, L. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Development of a Low Temperature Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle Standard. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.
  1. Southon, M. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Energy Return on Investment (EROI) for Distributed Power Generation from Low-Temperature Heat Sources Using the Organic Rankine Cycle. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.
  2. Wong, C-S., Meyer, D. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Selection and Conversion of Turbocharger as Turbo-Expander for Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.
  3. Asuncion, J., Krumdieck, S., Rendall, S., Page, S. and Murray, R., Geographic Energy Adaptive Potential of Farmers’ Market System as Compared with Conventional Supermarket System, (13-17 Jan 2013 Washington DC) Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Paper number 13-1158.
  4. Asuncion, J., Rendall, S., Murray, R. and Krumdieck, S., New Zealand Intermodal freight network and the potential for mode shifting, (18-21 Mar 2012 Rotorua, New Zealand) IPENZ Transportation Group Conference.
  5. Asuncion, J., Page, S., Murray, R. and Krumdieck, S., Analysis of the truck trip generation characteristics of supermarkets and convenience stores. (18-21 Mar 2012 Rotorua) IPENZ Transportation Group Conference.
  6. Sohel, M. I., M. Sellier, S. Krumdieck, An adaptive design approach for a geothermal plant with changing resource characteristics, (8-13 May 2011, Linkoping, Sweden), Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress, p. 1241-1248.
  7. Krumdieck, S., The Survival Spectrum: The key to Transition Engineering of complex systems, (11-17 Nov 2011, Denver, CO) Proceedings of the ASME 2011, ICEME2011-65891.
  8. Krumdieck, S., Transition Engineering of urban transportation for resilience to peak oil risks, (11-17 Nov 2011, Denver, CO) Proceedings of the ASME 2011, ICEME2011-65836.
  9. Cave, H.M., C-W Lim, M.C. Jermy, S.P. Krumdieck, M.R. Smith, Y-J Lin, J-S Wu, Multi-species fluxes for the parallel quiet direct simulation (QDS) method, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (10-15 July, 2011, Pacific Grove, CA) AIP Conference proceedings, v 1333, p. 878-83.
  10. Lim, C-W, H.M Cave, M. Jermy, S.P. Krumdieck, J-S Wu, An approximate method for solving unsteady transitional rarefied flow regimes in pulsed pressure chemical vapor deposition process using the quit direct simulation method, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (10-15 July, 2011, Pacific Grove, CA) AIP Conference proceedings, v 1333, p. 1039-44.
  11. Rendall, S., S. Page, F. Reitsma, E. van Houten, S. Krumdieck, Quantifying transport resilience: active mode accessibility, Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting (January 23-27, 2011, Washington DC), Paper 11-3656.
  12. Watcharasukarn, Montira, Krumdieck, Susan, Dantas, Andre, Green, Richard, “Game–Based Survey for Core Travel Demand and Fuel Price Adaptability Assessment”, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting (January 10-14, 2010, Washington DC), Paper 09-2389.
  13. Sohel, M. I., S. Krumdieck, M. Sellier, L. Brackney, Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of an Organic Rankine Cycle Unit of a Geothermal Power Plant, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress (25-29 April 2010 Bali, Indonesia).
  14. Gyamfi, S., Krumdieck, S.P. and Brackney, L., “Pattern Recognition Residential Demand Response: An Option for Critical Peak Demand Reduction in New Zealand”, 4th International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, (30 Nov-3 Dec 2010 Auckland, New Zealand).
  15. Krumdieck, S., Watcharasukarn, M. and Page, S., “TACA Sim: a survey for adaptability assessment”, 4th International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, (30 Nov-3 Dec 2010, Auckland, New Zealand).
  16. Krumdieck, S.P., “The Survival Spectrum, the key to Transition Engineering of Complex Systems”, 4th International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, (30 Nov-3 Dec 2010, Auckland, New Zealand).
  17. Rendall, S., Krumdieck, S.P., Page, S., Reitsma, F. and Van Houten, E., “The Minimum Energy Transport Activity Access Model”, 4th International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, (30 Nov-3 Dec 2010, Auckland, New Zealand).
  18. Mohamed, Muaviyath, Krumdieck, S.P. and Brackney, L., “Sustainable Renewable Electricity for Small Islands: A Methodology for Essential Load Matching”, 4th International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, (30 Nov-3 Dec 2010 Auckland, New Zealand).
  19. C.W. Lim, Z. Zainol Abidin, H.M. Cave , M.C. Jermy, J.-S. Wu, M.R. Smith and S.P. Krumdieck, “Numerical simulations of unsteady inviscid flow using the quiet direct simulation method”, PSFVIP-7: The 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, (16-19 November 2009 Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  20. Krumdieck, S., “Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD science, materials and technology", ECS Transactions, Volume 25, Issue 8 EuroCVD17/CVD17, (2009) 1209-1219. (4-9 October 2009, Vienna, Austria, Invited Paper and Keynote Podium Presentation).
  21. Clearwater, D., R. Hartshorn, S. Krumdieck, “Exploring multiple precursors in Pulsed-Pressure-MOCVD”, ECS Transactions, Volume 25, Issue 8 EuroCVD17/CVD17, (2009) 973-977. (4-9 October 2009, Vienna, Austria).
  22. Siriwongrungson, V., S. Krumdieck, M. Alkaisi, “Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD processing investigation for TiO2 films on Si3N4 substrate from TTIP”, ECS Transactions, Volume 25, Issue 8 EuroCVD17/CVD17, (2009) 987-990. (4-9 October 2009, Vienna, Austria).
  23. Cave, H., C-W Lim, M. Jermy, J.S. Wu, M. Smith, S. Krumdieck, “CVD flow field modelling using the quiet direct simulation (QDS) method”, ECS Transactions, Volume 25, Issue 8 EuroCVD17/CVD17, (2009) 389-393. (4-9 October 2009, Vienna, Austria).
  24. Lim, C-W, H. Cave, M. Jermy, S. Krumdieck, “Liquid droplet evaporation in simulations of the flow in pulsed-pressure MOCVD”, ECS Transactions, Volume 25, Issue 8 EuroCVD17/CVD17, (2009) 1251-1255. (4-9 October 2009, Vienna, Austria).
  25. Cave, H., M. Smith, J.-S. Wu, S. Krumdieck and M. Jermy, “Axisymmetric simulations using the Quiet Direct Simulation Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Coarsening”, Proc. HPC Asia 2009, (2-5th March 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
  26. Watcharasukarn, M., S. Krumdieck, S. Gyamfi, “Travel Behavior under Fuel Constraint Study: TACA SIM”, First International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE09) (5 – 7 January 2009 Hong Kong, China).
  27. Krumdieck, S., and A. Dantas, “The Visioning Project: Part of the Transition Engineering Process”, 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (9–12 December 2008 Auckland, New Zealand).
  28. Gyamfi, S., S. Krumdieck, L. Brackney, “Demand Response in the Residential Sector: A Critical Feature of Sustainable Electricity Supply in New Zealand”, 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (9–12 December 2008 Auckland, New Zealand).
  29. Krumdieck, S., M. Dale, S. Page, K. Mulligan, “An Ecological Planning Approach to Community Based Sustainable Development”, 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (9–12 December 2008 Auckland, New Zealand).
  30. Sohel, M.I., Krumdieck, S., Sellier, M., Brackeny, L.J., “Modelling of an ORC Unit of a Geothermal Power Plant”, NZ Geothermal Workshop & NZGA Seminar (11-13 November 2008 Taupo, New Zealand)
  31. M. Cave, M.C. Jermy, S.P. Krumdieck J.-S. Wu K.-C. Tseng, “DREAM: An Efficient Methodology for DSMC Simulation of Unsteady Processes”, 26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD26) (20-25 July Kyoto, Japan 2008) 335-340.
  32. Tseng, K.C., H.M. Cave, T.C. Kuo, M.C. Jermy, S.P. Krumdieck, and J.S. Wu, “Implementation of the Transient Adaptive Sub-Cell Module for the Parallel DSMC Code”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1084 (2008) 287-292 (26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD26) 20-25 July Kyoto, Japan).
  33. Cave, H. M., K-C Tseng, J-S Wu, M.C. Jermy, Y-Y Lian, S.P. Krumdieck, T-C Kuo and M-Z Wu, “Modelling Unsteady Processes with the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Technique”. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (3-7 December 2007 Gold Coast, Australia).
  34. Krumdieck, S. and M. I. Sohel, “Strategic analysis adaptation assessment: an alternative to the storyline scenario”, 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (20-23 February 2007 Auckland, New Zealand).
  35. Hamm, A., S. Krumdieck and M. Jermy, “Strategic Analysis of Continuity for Complex Energy and Environment Systems for Developing Regions”, 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science (20-23 February 2007 Auckland, New Zealand).
  36. Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck, S. Page, Risk of energy constrained Activity-transport systems (RECATS), 7th EASTS Conference (24-27 September 2007 Dalian, China).
  37. Krumdieck, S. and J. Wallace, “Compact, low energy CO2 management using amine solution in a packed bubble column”, Process Intensification and Innovation Process PI2 Conference II – Cleaner, Sustainable, Efficient Technologies for the Future (September 24 - 29, 2006 Christchurch, New Zealand).
  38. Cave, Hadley M., Susan P. Krumdieck, and Mark C. Jermy, “Development of a model for high precursor conversion efficiency pulsed-pressure chemical vapor deposition (PP-CVD) processing”, Process Intensification and Innovation Process PI2 Conference II – Cleaner, Sustainable, Efficient Technologies for the Future (September 24 - 29, 2006 Christchurch, New Zealand).
  39. Cave, H.M., S. P. Krumdieck and M.C. Jermy, “Simulations of reactor efficiency for pulsed pressure chemical vapor deposition (PP-CVD)”, 25th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (July 21-28, 2006, Saint-Petersburg, Russia).
  40. Dantas, A., S. Krumdieck, M. Saunders, “Assessing the risk to suburban activities associated with transport energy availability as a function of urban form,” Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting (Washington D.C. January 22-26, 2006).
  41. Krumdieck, S., and H-C Jung, “Substrate Heater Design Investigation For Uniform Temperature In A Cold-Wall Low Pressure Reactor” Journal of the Electrochemical Society Proceedings of CVD-XVI/EUROCVD-15 (Bochum, Germany, September 4-9, 2005) 13-20.
  42. Krumdieck, S., S.I. Baluti, L. Marcus, and A. Peled, “Design Investigation For Three-Dimensional Uniformity Of The Mass Transport Field” Journal of the Electrochemical Society Proceedings of CVD-XVI/EUROCVD-15 (Bochum, Germany, September 4-9, 2005) 120-127.
  43. Krumdieck, S., A. Hamm, A. Dantas and S. Minges, “Performance-Objective Design for a Renewable Energy Transportation Circuit of Christchurch”, New Zealand, in Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (Denver, Colorado, 29 Aug-3 Sept 2004).
  44. Krumdieck, S., “Waste Wood to Heat: beyond technology to quality of life in Christchurch”, New Zealand, in Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (Denver, Colorado, 29 Aug-3 Sept 2004).
  45. C. Page, S.P. Krumdieck and A. Anbuky, “Testing Procedure For Passive Fuel Cell State of Health”, in Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference AUPEC2004 (Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 Sept 2004). (1st Place student paper award)
  46. Page, A. Anbuky and S. Krumdieck, “Framework model of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system,” in Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference AUPEC2003 (Christchurch, New Zealand, 28 Sept-1 Oct 2003).
  47. Krumdieck, S., A. Dantas and T. Burton, “Supply and Demand is Not Sustainable”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, (Auckland, New Zealand 7-9 July 2004).
  48. Krumdieck, S.P., J-Y Lee, and H. Raatz, "Uniform Molecular Flux in a Vertical Reactor with Pulsed Transition Regime Gas Flow," Journal of the Electrochemical Society Proceedings of CVD-XVI/EUROCVD-14 2003-08 (Paris, France, April 27th-May 2nd 2003) 179-185.
  49. Krumdieck, S., S. Page and S. Round, “SOFC Architecture and System Design for Secure Power on an Unstable Grid,” in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Materials Processing for Properties and Performance MP3 (Singapore, August 2002). Invited
  50. Krumdieck, S., “Systems Based Learning”, in Proceedings of Australasian Association for Engineering Education 12th Annual Conference, (Brisbane, Australia, Sept 2001) 145-151.
  51. Krumdieck, S. and J. W. Daily, “Spray combustion of biomass pyrolysis oil,” in Proceedings 18th Conference on Toxic By-Products of Combustion (Dayton, OH, July, 1998).
  52. Krumdieck, S. and B. Wood, “A theory of regional energy and environment systems behaviour”, in Proceedings of the 14th National Passive Solar Conference, 14 (Denver, CO June 1989), Edited by M.J. Coleman, American Solar Energy Society, Inc., (1989) pp. 227-232.


My Favourite Paper:

Krumdieck, S., Feedback Control Model of Regional Energy Systems