Transition Engineering - Achieve NetZero Applying InTIME©

A 4-week short online course looking at how Transition Engineering can be applied to help deal with the wicked problems of climate change. 

This course is aimed at leaders and managers from any discipline. The course has four modules, each with one hour of content organised into four 15 minute lectures and comprehension quizzes. The handbook is recommended reading but is not required to successfully complete the course and earn the Micro-Credential. 

InTIME©: Interdisciplinary Transition Innovation, Management & Engineering

Title: Achieve NetZero Applying InTIME© 4-Week Short Course
Instructor: Professor Susan Krumdieck
Start Date: from 19 April 2021 - enrol anytime! 
Domestic Course Fees: $300 NZD
International Course Fees: $517.50 NZD
Format: Online, flexible and self-paced 
Length: Recommended completion in 4 weeks. About 4 hours of lecture materials plus readings, etc. (maximum 50 hours)
Prerequisites: None 

A transdisciplinary course inspires and enables transformational changes needed to downshift carbon emissions. This course teaches a common language and workflow and will look at:

  • Change the Ending - by changing the story
  • Is it worth it? The Economics of Transition
  • Wicked Problems explained and slayed
  • Applying InTIME© Methodology and choice of examples

For more information about the course, contact us by email or check our website

If you are a trained engineer, we recommend taking a look at the Energy InTIME© 6-Module Course designed for Engineers (or people who have worked in an engineering context). 

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