Energy Policy Special Issue

Dr. Krumdieck has been serving as Guest Editor for a special issue of the international journal, Energy Policy. The special issue has peer-reviewed papers from researchers at nearly every university in New Zealand, across a range of disciplines, covering most of the major issues. 


 Susan and Shannon take Energy Policy to Wellington

The National Energy Research Institute (NERI) purchased a number of copies of the Energy Policy journal for distribution to policy makers and energy business decision-makers.  Susan and Shannon spent a busy week in Wellington holding discussions with policy makers and advisors.  We were not given appointments with the Ministers of Energy or Environment or Transportation, the ministers were too busy for research.  But we did get a great reception from everyone we met.  Some were even quite excited to get a copy of the journal. 

711_EPSI_ElecCommission_MervinEnglishThe Electricity Commission

Ministry for Economic Development

711_EPSI_EECA_SeaRottmann_RobertTromopEnergy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

Ministry for Research, Science and Technology


       Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment


Royal Society of New Zealand


Ministry for the Environment

Ministry for Transport                                                                                                       New Zealand Transport Authority
711_EPSI_MfTransport 711_EPSI_MfTransport2