Published Papers 

Bai, M.; Krumdieck, S.  Modelling shopping transport energy performance to explore low carbon potentials, IPENZ Transport Group Conference, 7-9 March 2016, Auckland, New Zealand

Rendall, S.; Page, S.; Krumdieck, S. Voila! A New Measure of Oil Vulnerability for Cities. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Energies, 14 - 31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2014 , e005; doi:10.3390/ece-1-e005.

Krumdieck, S. Strategic Analysis Adaptation Assessment: An Alternative to the Economic Storyline Scenario. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Energies, 14 - 31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2014 , e001; doi:10.3390/ece-1-e001.

Krumdieck, S.; Frye, J. Optimizing Wind-Diesel Hybrid Energy Systems Including a Demand Side Management Strategy. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Energies, 14 - 31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2014 , c008; doi:10.3390/ece-1-c008.

Jung, H-C. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Analysis of Zeotropic Mixture in a Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle Power Plant with an Air-Cooled Condenser. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.

Meyer, D., Wong, C-S., Engle, F. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Design and Build of a 1 Kilowatt Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generator. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.

Taylor, L. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Development of a Low Temperature Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle Standard. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013

Southon, M. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Energy Return on Investment (EROI) for Distributed Power Generation from Low-Temperature Heat Sources Using the Organic Rankine Cycle. Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.

Wong, C-S., Meyer, D. and Krumdieck, S. (2013) Selection and Conversion of Turbocharger as Turbo-Expander for Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). Rotorua, New Zealand: 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), 18-21 Nov 2013.

Asuncion, J., Krumdieck, S., Rendall, S., Page, S. and Murray, R., Geographic Energy Adaptive Potential of Farmers' Market System as Compared with Conventional Supermarket System, (13-17 Jan 2013 Washington DC) Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Paper number 13-1158.

Asuncion, J., Rendall, S., Murray, R. and Krumdieck, S., New Zealand Intermodal freight network and the potential for mode shifting, (18-21 Mar 2012 Rotorua, New Zealand) IPENZ Transportation Group Conference.

Asuncion, J., Page, S., Murray, R. and Krumdieck, S., Analysis of the truck trip generation characteristics of supermarkets and convenience stores. (18-21 Mar 2012 Rotorua) IPENZ Transportation Group Conference.

Sohel, M. I., M. Sellier, S. Krumdieck, An adaptive design approach for a geothermal plant with changing resource characteristics, (8-13 May 2011, Linkoping, Sweden), Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress, p. 1241-1248.

Krumdieck, S., The Survival Spectrum: The key to Transition Engineering of complex systems, (11-17 Nov 2011, Denver, CO) Proceedings of the ASME 2011, ICEME2011-65891.

Krumdieck, S., Transition Engineering of urban transportation for resilience to peak oil risks, (11-17 Nov 2011, Denver, CO) Proceedings of the ASME 2011, ICEME2011-65836.

Rendall, S., S. Page, F. Reitsma, E. van Houten, S. Krumdieck, Quantifying transport resilience: active mode accessibility, Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting (January 23-27, 2011, Washington DC), Paper 11-3656.