Research Supervisors
A multidisciplinary research team is working on further development of this platform for commercial products. The research team includes the following members of staff and collaborators:
- Prof. Susan Krumdieck, MECH, Director
- Dr. Catherine Bishop, MECH, modelling of materials
- Prof. Jack Heinemann, Biological Sciences
- Dr. Sarah Masters, Chemistry, modelling of precursor chemistry
- Dr. Natalia Kabaliuk, MECH, heat transfer
- Dr. Tim Kimmett, Callaghan Innovations, TiO2 Coatings
- Dr. John Kennedy, GNS Science, Materials Science
- Dr. Matt Watson, CAPE, Processing Science
- Dr. Matthew Polson, Chemistry, material characterisation
- Dr. Raphael Boichot, Grenoble INP, SIMAP, France, Processing Science