Transition HQ

Founder: Grant Symons, Director Transition HQ

Professor Susan Krumdieck, University of Canterbury (2000-2020) and Heriot-Watt University (2020-present)


Get to work on projects of transition.

The science is clear, the targets are set, the emergencies are declared. And still today, the people of New Zealand will use 22 million litres of oil, - that is 10% higher than when NZ participated in and agreed to the need for dramatic action at the COP21 Paris meeting on Climate Change. The mission of the Transition HQ is to dramatically reduce oil, coal and gas consumption, and emissions from agriculture through transition projects in industry and organisations. As with all projects, the transition projects are engineered to meet the requirements, increase real value and return benefits. 


Get to work on the projects of transition. 

For the past 40 years universities have taken the role of technology R&D. Government funding has focused on "green technologies". We now know what is possible, and we know that transition is a vastly larger and more complex job than just putting solar panels on roofs and batteries in cars. The methods used in the Transition Incubator are interdisciplinary for a start which is new. We have developed a way to bring Communities, Companies and Organisations together with Engineering and Business to just get to work on changing what we already have and how we go about our business. 

The key new method is called: Interdisciplinary Transition Innovation, Management and Engineering (InTIME). The method has been developed through extensive research and trialled on some of the most wicked problems. It is new, but it works, so we will simply get started and improve as we go. 

Interdisciplinary Transition Innovation, Management and Engineering (InTIME) Method

Partners and Participants

Get to work on projects of transition.

There have been hundreds of sustainability and climate change institutes and centres established around the world over the past decades. They have spent a lot of time on scenarios and models and promoting things. The world does not need another think-tank. The Transition HQ is focusing efforts on the companies, cities and organisations who are at the forefront of the need to change. The Transition HQ partners are the biggest emitters. And the work of the Transition HQ is discovering and carrying out the innovations in technology, operations, directions and policies that downshift those big emissions inconceivably rapidly.