AEMSLab Transport Projects

Transport Fuel Risks to Essential Activities

The Risk to Energy Constrained Activity Transportation Systems (RECATS) method is a way to assess the risks posed to the normal functioning of urban areas in both the event of an oil supply shock and over the long term of oil supply decline. The method allows comparison of different development scenarios by risk analysis. The method allows identification of the areas which are best candidates for re-design and re-development. This project was the work of Dr. Krumdieck, Dr. Dantas, Dr. Page and started with Masters student, Michael Saunders. The project has been published in NZTA Research Report 311.

The same project of assessing risk, readiness, resilience and adaptive capacity of the freight transport system is a very important project - the movement of goods uses over 1/3 of New Zealand's transport fuel. Work has begun on adapting the method for freight, with the Risks for Freight and Goods Movement with constrained fuel availability project.

Travel Adaptive Capacity Assessment (TACA) Simulation

The TACA Survey was designed and developed and tested by PhD student Montira Watcharasukarn. The survey collects information about the travel adaptive capacity of travellers for lower energy intensity access to their activities. More information is available on the TACA Sim page. Take the TACA Sim transportation self evaluation

Minimum Energy Transport Accessibility (META)

The META analysis utilises the GIS data of an urban area to evaluate the ability of the people to access their activities without relying on energy.

Towards Sustainable Urban Forms: Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (TOTUS-VKT)

This project uses the New Zealand Warrant of Fitness odometer database to assess annual vehicle travel, by census area. Future work will investigate geo-spatial links between urban form parameters and levels of vehicle travel.

Fuel Retail Management System (FRMS)

Short-term fuel supply shocks often result in wide-spread panic buying and the loss of trips. This project investigated a range of methods for managing fuel supply during shortages, and developed a marco-economic model for analysing the application of the method and estimating resultant impacts upon demand.

Future research directions

  • Constrained transport fuel and CO2 emissions
  • Adaptation of behaviour and systems
  • Urban form and transport system design for low fuel use
  • Policy and technology analysis for rapid CO2 emission reduction